ちなみに今回の作品は雪崩の危険性をとらえたスノーボードの作品(本当にカメラマンが雪崩に巻き込まれてそのままカメラだけが見つかるシーンは絶句する)や、グリーンランドの環境汚染を取材した作品、そしてメインはクライマー達の極限の姿を追いながら、なぜ登るのかについて問う「The Sharp End」。

This week, I went to see the Banff Mountain Film Festival in Osaki.
This festival is the shortend version for Japan and is brought directly from the film festival held in Banff Canada.
I've been to this festival a couple of times and was always inpired by the quality of each films they play, and also the fact that there is a steady scene and a marketplace to make such a flim.
The japanese flim market is making a big budget right now but thats only for the big picture the TV station support.
There's still few chance for the independent films to have a spotlight on.
For documentary film fan like myself, I wish there are more chance for the documentary films to break in to the scene.
Anyway, each films were great as always and so was the bouldering area bulit near the hall by the guys from the climbing gym "TEKO cave".
And not to forget the drinking area where you can try out some of the Japan's best springwaters. It surely cleared my throught out.
I'm definitely going for the next year also.
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